Here I, Norberto P. Torquato, share information and opinions.

If you are looking for hover effects, animated cursors, GIFs etc., you will find plenty of inspiration in the Neocities catalog, but not here.

Software articles

Unix and X11




Cool, old stuff

External resources

Try Codidact instead of Stack Exchange. The former is non-profit and treats its users and volunteer with respect (whereas the latter doesn't).

Proxies to avoid tracking and advertisements

Though, of course, for the most private experience, use Tor.


Schopenhauer: Über die Freiheit des Menlisches Willens (note: may not be correctly displayed in your browser, but will in a text viewer/editor) was retrieved from this obscure site, which is currently and mayhap permanently down. Each text page was on its on web page, which was a pain, so I processed it into a single document. Note the text is public domain. Enjoy!


As one could guess by the simple fact that I chose Neocities (and not crap like Google, Wix or whatnot) to host this site, I like

By the same token, I hate

The obnoxious aspects of the modern WWW have already been described at large in innumerous sites. It would be therefore vain and wasteful to repeat them in a different way, so I simply redirect the interested reader to the external resources section for that.